The World’s tallest building. A living wonder. A Stunning work of art. An incomparable feat of engineering. Burj Khalifa is all that. In concept and execution, Burj Khalifa has no peer. More than just the world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa is an unprecedented example of international cooperation, a symbolic beacon of progress, and an emblem of the new, dynamic and prosperous Middle East. It is also tangible proof of Dubai’s growing role in a changing world. In fewer than 30 years, this city has transformed itself from a regional centre to a global one. This success was not based on oil reserves, but on reserves of human talent, ingenuity and initiative. Burj Khalifa embodies that vision.


自2010年揭幕後,便吸引無數遊客從世界各地慕名而來。這座宏偉建築是杜拜的概念核心及靈魂,哈利法塔設有兩個觀景台,分別是佔地兩層位於124樓及125樓的At the Top,及位於148樓的全球最高觀景台(555米高)。

氣勢凌人的塔樓底部是充滿活力的娛樂和餐飲中心,設有佔地寬廣的杜拜購物中心 (Dubai Mall)、精心編排的杜拜噴泉 (Dubai Fountain)音樂匯演,以及眾多旅遊景點,讓遊客樂而忘返。

  • Capacity

    up to 80 seated OR up to 100 standing

  • Venue Size

    Track 5000 sq feet / Restaurant 3000 sq feet

  • Opening Hours

    11:00 - 21:00 (Everyday)

  • Location

    1 Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard Downtown Dubai Dubai, UAE

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