This splendid sea resort with its lux, Mediterranean personality, also boasts an ancient marine culture, and of course is another one of those spots beloved by artists, famous personages and writers that have long sung its praises. Travelers will not be able to see everything here, so many are the historic, cultural and natural attractions.
菲諾港(Portofino)是位於意大利利古里亞大區熱那亞省的一個漁村,菲諾港被認爲是地中海最美麗的港口之一,每年吸引大量世界各地的遊客遊覽參觀。菲諾港位於迪古里奧海灣(Golfo del Tigullio)西部的一個同名的海岬腳下,距離大區首府熱那亞36公里,是帕拉迪索灣(Golfo Paradiso)和迪古里奧海灣分界的標誌。