Tai O, also known as “Hong Kong Venice”, is a tourist attraction for foreigners and residents of other parts of Hong Kong. The criss-crossing waterways and residential landscapes seem to be a reflection of the traditional atmosphere of Hong Kong’s fishing villages. The local cable bridge is very popular among tourists, and it is a must-see place for almost every visitor. The traditional salted fish and shrimp paste is also sold in Tai O’s store, and it is a must-buy souvenir for locals and tourists around the world. If you are lucky, you will meet some residents who will take tourists to the sea by boat along the river. At the same time, one reason why many tourists visit Tai O is to see the precious Chinese White Dolphin. This rare species, also known as the “pink dolphin”, has been declining in recent years. If you have the opportunity to encounter it, try to enjoy it as quietly as possible to avoid overly disturbing their habitat. In addition, Tai O is one of the best places to watch the most beautiful sunset in Hong Kong.

大澳也被稱為“香港威尼斯”,是外國人和香港其他地區居民的旅遊勝地,縱橫交錯的水道及民居風景彷彿映襯著昔日香港的水上漁村情懷。當地的索橋很受遊客歡迎,幾乎是每位到訪者的必到打卡之地。 傳統的鹹魚蝦醬也在大澳的店面出售,亦是世界各地遊客甚至本地人的必買手信。幸運的話,碰上一些居民會帶遊客沿著河上乘船出海。同時許多遊客專門來大澳旅遊的一個原因,便是為一睹中華白海豚的身影。這種也被稱為“粉紅海豚”的珍稀物種近年日漸減少,有機會碰上的話盡量靜心欣賞,避免過度打擾他們的棲息。另外大澳也是香港其中一個觀賞最美日落的好地方。

  • Location

    Tai O, Lantau Island, Hong Kong

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